russian spoken here.

weird tuesday.

Posted in Uncategorized by litingyu on September 22, 2009

cupcakes( via thedirtypretty(s) )

We had an odd morning today.

At 3 am, the sound of pebble-hitting-window (which is not as cute as it seems) began unceasingly with occasional screeches of ” BREE !

I think our neighbor got locked out and she was, unfortunately, inebriated.

At 6:54 am, Outkast started singing loudly and upon further inspection, it was revealed that my BOSS was calling…to tell me that she was not coming in to work until noon, and would it be okay if I went into work early ? Of course madame.

At 8:30 am, the drilling and the pounding started.

Management had decided to redo the pipings and such…so there will be no water until 5 pm, only a lot of banging and “TCHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR”-ing.

Now I am at work, with little to do and a very unhappy supervisor next door about the furlough days that are muddling everything up.

Oh well !

This is something to cheer us all up:


( via That Obscure Thing )

Jeffery Dean Morgan….what a man.